Community: Volunteer & Service



  • Cohase Chamber of Commerce The Cohase Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit committed to fostering a vibrant economic climate by encouraging cooperation and communication among the region’s communities, while ensuring a high quality of life. We serve the Vermont towns of Newbury, Bradford, and Fairlee and the New Hampshire towns of Haverhill, Orford, and Piermont, providing member businesses with regional marketing, networking and educational opportunities as well as sponsoring community events such as Paddle the Border and the Annual Farm and Garden Tours. We are always seeking volunteers for events as well as for our Board of Directors and subcommittees (economic development and workforce development).
  • Mentoring Project of the Upper Valley The Mentoring Project of the Upper Valley (TMPUV) is a community-based mentoring program matching young people with adult volunteers in and around Bradford, Newbury, Corinth, Fairlee, Vermont.
  • Vital Communities has many programs looking for volunteers. Vital Communities cultivates the civic, environmental, and economic vitality of the Upper Valley, a region composed of 69 towns spanning the Connecticut River. We bring people together, bridging boundaries and engaging our whole community to create positive change. We offer programming and resources to help households, communities, schools, and workplaces build resilience. We work with dozens of partner organizations in New Hampshire and Vermont to craft shared strategies and coordinate our services. Our agenda and programs emerge from and are driven by regional needs and community interests. We encourage collaboration across public, private, and nonprofit sectors to test new approaches and share our learning. Our mission, values, and methods evolved over a history that began in the early 1990s.
  • Willing Hands Willing Hands recovers fresh food in order to reduce waste, improve health, and provide reliable access to nutritious food for our neighbors in need. We believe in a community where everyone can enjoy nourishing, fresh food regardless of economic status or personal circumstance. We believe in our shared responsibility to reduce waste and contribute to a sustainable environment.
  • Upper Valley Haven Since 1980 the Upper Valley Haven has provided temporary shelter and educational programming for homeless families and adults as well as food to anyone in need.
  • COVER Home Repair COVER’s mission is to foster hope and build community in the Upper Valley by bringing together homeowners and volunteers to complete urgently needed home repairs for low-income homeowners, many of whom are elderly and/or disabled.
  • Upper Valley Land Trust We provide conservation leadership, tools and expertise to permanently protect the working farms, forested ridges, wildlife habitat, water resources, trails and scenic landscapes that surround residential areas and commercial centers and make the Upper Valley a truly special place to live. We work with local conservation commissions and volunteer groups to identify and prioritize land conservation opportunities. We provide technical assistance and conservation solutions for landowners. We steward permanent agreements that conserve key properties forever. UVLT focuses its mission in 45 Vermont and New Hampshire towns in the upper Connecticut River Valley.
  • Upper Valley Humane Society At UVHS, we envision a world in which every pet is loved. We seek to inspire compassion for all living creatures and strengthen the bond between animals and the people they love.
  • David’s House David’s House is the dream of a little boy named David Cyr who passed away at age five after a three-and-a-half-year struggle against acute lymphatic leukemia. Built so that families can remain together when it is most crucial, David’s House provides a home-away-from-home and support for families with children receiving treatment through the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.


  • The State of Vermont is looking for volunteers to help in communities across the State. Please register here (includes a form for Medical Professionals).


  • Cub Scouts Pack #776, Boy Scouts Pack #778, Scouting Vermont
  • Girl Scouts of the Green & White Mountains
  • 4-H through UVM Extension
  • Cohase Rotary eClub (Rotary International, District #7850) While Cohase Rotary eClub is focused on VT & NH, Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
  • Code for Upper Valley (Code for America Brigade) Code for UV is a Code for America Brigade, or local chapter, focused on improving the lives of residents of the Upper Valley region of Vermont and New Hampshire. Code for UV is sponsored by The Space On Main and made up of individuals who are interested in changing the Upper Valley for the better. We work with local government and nonprofits to fix local services, utilize open data to improve citizen knowledge, and work for the betterment of all. There are plenty of opportunities to use your skills. Even if you are not a tech type, we can still have opportunities for you to contribute. So come by and become part of a movement to improve our community!